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Gaelic Athletic Club - est. 1975

Club Executive 2023/2024

If you have any questions or would like to play for the Ottawa Gaels please send an email to secretary.ottawagaels.ca@gaa.ie We are always looking for volunteers to help out with events and club activities so if you are interested, please get in touch.

A new board is voted in October each year.

Club Executive Committee 2023/2024

Chairperson Noel McGinnity chairperson.ottawagaels.ca@gaa.ie
Vice Chairperson Daphne Ballard
Secretary Vanessa McLean secretary.ottawagaels.ca@gaa.ie
Public Relations Officer Brendan McCabe
Treasurer Vacant treasurer.ottawagaels.ca@gaa.ie
Registrar Nicole Ives-Allison
Youth Development Officer Kerri Beeching youthofficer@ottawagaels.ca
Men’s Player Representative Darren Snook
Ladies Football Representative Crystal Beausoleil
Camogie Representative Michelle Wright
Club Development Officer Vacant
Child Protection Officer Lisa Jensen
Irish Language and Cultural Liaison Patrick Kelly