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Gaelic Athletic Club - est. 1975

Relevant Links

Links to relevant GAA, Gaelic Football and Irish organizations.

 Gaelic Athletic Association http://gaa.ie
 Ladies Gaelic Football http://ladiesgaelic.ie
 Gaelic Athletic Association in Canada http://www.canada.gaa.ie
 GAA TV http://tv.gaa.ie
 Toronto GAA http://torontogaa.ca/
 Continental Youth Championship http://cycgaa.org/
 Irish Society of Ottawa http://irishsocietyncr.com/
 The Gaelic Hour http://www.thegaelichour.ca
 Ottawa Chapter of the Ireland Canada Chamber of Commerce http://www.icccott.org/
 Irish Music Ottawa http://www.irishmusicottawa.ca/
 Almonte Celtfest http://www.almonteceltfest.com/Almonte_Celtfest/Home.html
 Ottawa Branch of Comhaltas http://www.ottawacomhaltas.com/
 Ireland in Canada http://web.dfa.ie/home/index.aspx?id=34246
 Croke Park http://www.crokepark.ie/